Ivanna loves being loved!
Well, life has been really crazy here and I am not even sure where to begin. I have meant to post pics and a blurb sooner but - life happens and then it's off to managing other more important things.
We all had a great time at the Puget Sound Buddy Walk in Seattle this year. Our family was given the opportunity to share our adoption story and how God truly called and worked in our life through this process. It was good for me to revisit that "story" and remember the workings of God through that process and how He continues to work as we close in on having Max and Ivanna home for a year! (I know ... can you believe it ... a year!!!)
I always love going to the Buddy Walk. It is great to be inspired and help encourage others who may just be beginning this journey of Down syndrome. I was truly touched as I saw babies, children, young and old adults with Ds living a beautiful and love filled life full of accomplishments and victories. It was a good time for all, and of course - a beautiful, crisp fall day in Seattle Washington - quite possibly one of the prettiest cities in the USA. ;)
All three of our littles have had a ton of medical appointments etc. We are really working hard to get all of the things done this year that we can for multiple reasons. It is at times so so so daunting. I do get tired of therapy sessions and medical appointments and really am looking forward to a break from it all.
Max and Ivanna had their adenoids removed and ear tubes placed. All went well with that and now we are hopeful that with being able to hear better, that Max will become verbal. The next day after surgery Ivanna became brave and decided to crawl out of her crib - and so doing broke her little leg. She is now sporting a bright pink cast for the next three weeks. Sigh. I really hope she doesn't keep that up. She is NOT ready for a toddler bed.
Max and Ivanna are doing fantastic. I'm so thankful for how they have adjusted. I think the hardest adjustment was for the rest of us ... lol. I am thinking of composing a post on the adjustments a family can go through AFTER you get those little ones home. It's important to address those things - not to discourage - but to help count the cost and be prepared. That post will come later.
For now - we are preparing for my most favorite time of year - the HOLIDAYS! I am already plotting and planning - and preparing menus in my mind. I love the cool mornings and hot coffee. I love the Christmas movies and music. I love Thanksgiving football games and pigging out. I love the spirit of the holidays - family and friends and thankfulness for the many blessings.
May you enjoy the days ahead - and count your blessings. EVERYONE has blessings in their life they can be grateful for.
Thanks for hanging in there and not giving up on my lack of posts. I know it's been too long friend. Hope to see ya back to visit!