Saturday, April 23, 2011

Leaving Soon for Brady

As we take a break from the giveaway for a couple of days and anticipate the winners (announced on Monday) I wanted to take a moment and share some more of how God has worked, has moved and the absolute awe I am in of the blessings abound - all out of a burden given by Him.

~ burdens turned to praise ~

This is Brady - well, that is his photolisting name. This little boy, and I do mean little, was spotted by another family almost a year ago. Tiny, and malnourished, Brady (soon to be known as Judd) had just been recently transferred to a very remote older boys mental institution. That hurts my heart to even utter. I look at his face and think there is no way he should be there, playing in the dirt mound he was seen to be in - with no toys, stimulation or truly an invested care.

Why is stimulation so important? Any child, if not stimulated or provoked to reach his or her milestones - will apathy in both skill and ability. Given that Brady has Down syndrome - and left to himself, he will never tap into the potentials that God has surely placed within him. I know from experience. Our little Ivanna had not been challenged to do much of anything. The result? A five year old girl with no knowledge of how to chew, feed herself, hold a toy, walk, or interact with others. Praise God, she is gaining victory in much of these areas, but it takes WORK and teaching, stimulation and challenging her.

Brady will slowly regress in ANY skill he may have learned in the orphanage (baby house) and apathy in those things if not challenged otherwise.

The Hartman family has stepped forward to rescue this little guy. They have taken a leap of faith, filled out more paperwork than seems fathomable, fundraised their eyeballs out, and now... well I am happy to report that they will be flying out on Mother's Day to go to Brady's country and meet him for the first time. How awesome is that? Mother's Day!?!

I. Am. Thrilled.

They have one LAST little fundraiser they are running. It ends: tomorrow (Easter Sunday). Please ... go there and check it out. If anything, drop a line of encouragement and PRAY for them.

Click here to visit the Hartman's blog to see their auction and follow their journey.

I am pretty sure you won't want to miss how their travels unfold. Remember, they are going to an institution, and not an orphanage. They need heavy prayer, and support. Let's be there for them.

Little Judd Hartman will look good amongst this bunch. Love you Hartman family! Can't wait to see you all together!

1 comment:

The Potvin Crew said...

Praying MUCH for them. So excited for them ... talk about a Mother's Day gift!!! ~ Grace


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