Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Few Heart Tuggers

This morning, while pondering our trip last fall for the adoption, I started to think of those children still left behind. Still waiting for families. They all tug at my heart. They all seem to speak to you through the computer monitor. While, difficult to confront these emotions at times - I never want to forget either. The reason? I just feel very burdened over these little ones. Maybe it's having been there. Maybe it's me seeing pieces of my own children in each child that is listed on Reece's Rainbow. I don't "like" being confronted with the grief associated with knowing where these children are, what they face day to day. However, I also don't want to forget them. I don't want to neglect them in prayer. They are real little ones - in need of real hope. That said, there are a few that weigh heavily on my mind this morning.

~ ~ LORIE ~ ~

Lorie does not have Down syndrome. She was born with CP and Spina Bifida. The hernia from her spine was removed. The caretaker showed me her scar one day. This has affected her ability to walk. Although, I did see that she can walk a bit when assisted. One morning, as I entered her groupa - it was not a caretaker who greeted me at the door, but Lorie. She smiled up at me, like her usual self. She reached up for me, and seeing that she was not to be refused - I reached forth my hands to her. I held her hands, and bent down to smile at her. I helped her walk back into the groupa area, and sat her down at "her" bench. When I let go of her hands, she cried. The first time I had ever heard her cry. My heart sank. I knew she wanted me to hold her. To love on her, like she had been witnessing me doing with her groupa mate, Ivanna. She may not talk, or walk - but she is a smart cookie. I think she had figured out why I was there every day.

I felt horribly, and that day when I went back to the apartment - I lamented our inability to bring her home too. We had put in for a blind referral, but it was as if the SDA did not see it - and it was not okay to be pushy. I dug through my suitcase and pulled out the doll I had purchased back in the states for Ivanna. Ivanna was not interested in even holding a toy at that time. I decided that the doll was for Lorie. She is holding it in the picture above. The day after I gave it to her, I noticed the doll had been shelved. That was a cruel little reality. Even though I gave the doll to Lorie - it isn't really hers. Orphans have nothing. I had forgotten that.

Lorie needs a family. She resides in the same groupa Ivanna was in. A laying room. She may be able to crawl and get around that way, but due to her inability to really walk - this is where she stays. No stimuli. No outside walks. I watched as she would crawl to a crying baby and try to soothe him. She is a beautiful little girl. Truly.

Lorie turns six this month. This orphanage does not keep a child past six. She is due to be transferred to an adult mental institution. Please help by sharing her profile. Pray for her.

You can see her profile here.

~ ~ Angela ~ ~

Angela is a cutie. She was just recently added to Reece's Rainbow and is available for adoption. We saw this sweet girl too. Although, we were not able to interact with her. She has Down syndrome and has had one heart repair. She is a tiny little peanut, and just beautiful. This particular region was not difficult at all. No long train rides - and no difficulty in court. She just turned three in December. To read more about Angela or inquire go here.

~ ~ Heath ~ ~
** I see my Justus in Heath's face**

Heath breaks my heart. He is already in a mental institution. He has been seen in a wheel chair, and has little stimulation. He also has Down syndrome, and most assuredly receives no therapy, no stimulation. A family has seen him - and blogged about Heath. You can read these posts here and here. You can also read his Reece's Rainbow profile here. Yes, Heath is older. Please remember that EVERY child deserves a chance. If nothing else, please pray for this little guy. Yes, even at ten years old - he is a little guy.

If you think of it, please join me in prayer this next week for these three children.

1 comment:

The Potvin Crew said...

Still praying for many of these precious kiddos.... esp. Lorie, Mason and Berkeley .... wishing... well... God knows all about it. I know how you feel. ~ Grace


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