Tuesday, March 29, 2011

iPad2 and More Giveaway

~~~ 2nd UPDATE ~~~

Well, it is Wednesday. That means just two more days until this ends. There is great news: The Burger family received approval from USCIS for their orphan request. This means that they can now submit their dossier, requesting an interview with Brian's country officials in order to accept his referral. This is great news. So, with that in mind - let's continue to bless the Burger family by donating in this giveaway. Ultimately sweet Brian is who wins. Thank you to all those who have given and shared or posted on different social media sites. With your help we have gotten up over the $2,000.00 mark. What a praise! Let's see how much more we can do in these last two days! How exciting it is to be apart of rescuing that little boy!

*** UPDATE***

As of today (April 14th) there are eight days left. Another family within our Down syndrome community has stepped forward to help. The Sader family is donating $1 for you just merely sharing on Facebook or posting on your blog. Just be sure to leave them a comment that you have done so. You can visit their blog and get details here.

<< Also be sure if you donate to leave a comment here on this blog>>

~~~ Thank you to all those who have donated/shared/posted/prayed in support ~~~

I am very grateful for your help. Thank you.

A year ago, I sat at our dining room table and wept. It was the first time I was confronted with the images of the children listed on Reece's Rainbow. Having a baby with Down syndrome, my heart sank at the notion of what was happening half a world away to those who shared his same blessing of having an extra chromosome. The plight of these children weighed on our hearts so heavily that there was a constant pull - a burden that could not be ignored.

I thank God for that burden. We brought home Max and Ivanna last December because of that call from God.

The Burger family has sought out to answer a similar call. To adopt little Brian. To rescue him from spending the rest of his life behind these gates - where he will be transferred, an older boys mental institution.

*picture above taken by Julia Nalle, her blog is truly inspiring and touches hearts*

Look at this picture below. Brian is beautiful. Simply beautiful. He (nor any other child) should ever have to spend a life confined, uncared for, never to know the hugs from a mama or rough housing with papa.

That is why we are hosting this giveaway. Yes, it is fun - and it's always exciting to win. However - when you donate, it isn't you who may ultimately be the winner - it is Brian. So, with that said - let's get to the fun stuff. iPad 2 Giveaway

You have an opportunity to win a new iPad 2 - your choice of color, 16 GB, WiFi, and 3G - with Verizon or AT&T - valued at $629.00 purchased by the Burger family. *service plan will be winner's responsibility, if winner does not want the 3G capable iPad 2 - we ask you let us know upon winning*

Entrance Details:

$10 = 1 entry

$25 = 3 entries

$50 = 8 entries

$100 = 20 entries

$150 = 35 entries

$300 = 80 entries

** If you donate via chip in AND share this giveaway on your blog or FB page - you can have an EXTRA entry***

Giveaway closes April 22 at noon (PST), and the winner will be announced April 25th on this blog.

Winner will be drawn using a random number generating website.

Donations must be made via the chip in at the bottom of this post - or on sidebar.

Once you have donated please come back and leave a comment (this is where we will be deriving names for drawing).

When you leave a comment please include an email address if you are commenting anonymously and do not have a google account. All proceeds are going directly to the Burger family.

... but...

...that's not all ... Let's make this REALLY fun.

The first name drawn will win the iPad2, then we will continue to draw additional names for more prizes available.

You also have an opportunity to win:

Item #1 2 sets of custom made long Korker Bows by Malissa Farmer Upon winning - the entrant drawn for this item will let Malissa know what colors they want. Yes, that is a Reece's Rainbow korker bow you see. ;) Korkers are very well made and affixed to a french clip to stay in the hair better. Item #2 Matryoshka family doll Straight from Eastern Europe - this is a four piece doll that stands at 5 inches height at it's tallest. Item #3 Tu-Tu Boutique Dress by Deanna Sader These dresses are very much sought after - and for good reason. They are beautiful. I have two dresses made by Deanna and they are very well made and shipped very nicely. I love these dresses. Deanna is herself in the midst of adopting a little girl with Down syndrome from Brian's same country - so we thank her for the donation. You can visit her blog here. Winner will receive one dress made up to size 4T. Item #4

A copy of 'An Extra Leaf' in lustre finish in photo quality paper. Winner will have choice of



8X10 Item #5 Authentic loose beach glass straight from a local beach here in Washington. We have loose beach glass scattered throughout our home. It makes a nice accent and reminds me of days spent with the smell of sea air and toes muddy with sand. Winner will receive one bundle of loose beach glass. Item #6 Floral hair pretties made by me. The winner will receive the lot of hair pretties pictured above. These flower pretties are perfect for the upcoming Spring weather (will we ever get there - LOL) and Summer months. Pretties are affixed to alligator clips. Lot includes four sets. Item #7 'The Open Door' by J.L Ragsdale A touching true story of a well off Californian couple who gave up all their worldly riches and decided to follow God and open up The Open Door - a children's home, loving on those closest to God's heart ... children. This story - is quite impactful. Winner will receive one new copy. See ... the book is Max approved! Item #8 Happy Hartman Farm Hope Soap My friends, the Hartman family are preparing to journey to Europe and adopt their own little blessing with 'an extra leaf'. This soap has been a means of fundraising for them. Cured right on their farm, in wonderful scents. You can visit and follow the Hartman's journey here. Winner will receive 4 bars of soap. Item #9

Thomas Kinkade Gazebo New in package beautiful gazebo that lights up and winds to play music.

Is that all?


Not everyone can donate - but you CAN share this giveaway and post on your blogs and Facebook pages. A second, separate drawing will be done for those who leave comments stating they have shared or posted to their blogs about this giveaway. Just leave a comment everytime you share - please remember to state that you are entering the "GIFT CARD" drawing.

A dear friend of the Burger's, Amy, donated one $25 Darden Gift card - good at the following restaraunts:

Red Lobster Olive Garden Longhorn Bahama Breeze Seasons 52

Winner of this second, separate drawing will receive this $25 gift card.

Okay ... let's have some fun - and help bring BRIAN home!!! You can donate here: (be sure to come back and leave a comment for the drawing)


Julia said...

I donated and FB'd the Giveaway...

Gretchen said...

I donated, FB'd and blogged! Wishing you the best!

Mcarthur Mile said...

I donated and made a blog post. Will be praying for the $13,000.00

The Davis Family said...


The Davis Family said...

Shared on facebook!

Amanda said...

I just made a blog post.

Laima said...


Tom and April said...

FB'd it..will get to the others soon.

Katie said...

Hey Charissa!

I just donated and posted on FB as well. Crossing fingers...

Jessie at Blog Schmog said...

Mary at McArthur Mile told me about Brian. I donated and blogged about it and put it on facebook.

I do so hope you raise enough quickly and can bring home this precious boy.

Anonymous said...

I left a link on my blog. Hope this giveaway is a blessing and God multiplies every penny.

Amy said...

We donated 25.00 to your work in helping your friends bring home Brian. He's such a cutie! We are close to bringing our two children home (May).


In His Service,

John & Amy Hinz

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys, I just went on and donated. I will cross post again on FB. Praying for the Burger family and for little Brian!


The Huckaby's

Bethany said...

Donated for 3 entries! :)

Kristy Howard said...

Just donated for 3 entries! Been thinking/praying about Brian a lot!


Anonymous said...

I just left a link and info on Moneysavingmom.com website. Many people enjoy that website and come there often, hopefully they participate. May God multiply every cent!

Angela said...

I donated (one entry)!!! Good luck!

Cathy said...

Donated for three entries. #1

Cathy said...

Praying!! #2

Cathy said...

Comment #3.

Cathy said...

Posting on Facebook. #4

Deanna said...

Donated for 160 entries...I would normally not comment, but I am hoping to win the IPad so I can give the money to the Burgers.

Diane said...

Donated for 3 entries and postng on FB everyday until the 21st, but most importantly, praying for the Father to move this mountain, casting it into the sea and super-naturally multiply what is given. In Jesus might name. If we are chosen, gift our prize or the funds that would have been used to purchase it , back to the Burgers.


Lance said...

Donated. May the Lord bless what you are doing...

Lance said...

posted on FB too.

Nance said...

Just posted on my blog and donated!!
Good Luck!!!!

Issued by God said...

Shared on Facebook. God bless you!

nicole said...

Donated for little Brian.

Tiffany said...

I chipped in to help get this sweet boy home to his family.

Rochelle said...

Donated for Brian and have posted on FB and will continue!

Judy said...

Donated (3 entries). God Bless!


Unknown said...

Miss Charrissa, I shared on my Windows Live homepage for my friends far away and I noticed my mom shared on facebook so I would like say she is participating too:D thank you we love the Burger Famliy!

Kaitlyn P.

Anonymous said...

Just donated for 8 entries. Brian, come home soon!

Unknown said...

I donated and shared on FB God bless your progress. Love ya llllisa

Karen said...

donated and FB posted! Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

I donated too, Sweet Brian! (1 entry) And I posted to FB! Thank you!


Julie said...

I pray that your funds are raised and Brian will be home soon!!!! I donated for 3 entries and will post on fb with Deanna Sader's challenge. May God bless you!

Jenny said...

I donated for three entries. May the Lord multiply our givings! Comment #1.

Jenny said...

Entry #2. Praying for Brian!

Jenny said...

Entry #3.

Unknown said...

Forgot to say I donated for 8 entries. God bless llllisa

Sandra said...

HI, I donated 3 entries
Thank you and good luck in your adoption. Sandy

Chynna said...

i posted the link on my FB page.

Natalie said...

Prayed, donated, will fb and blog. Let's get this little cutie home.

S. Davis said...

Donated and shared on FB. Praying that this little love bug gets home soon.

Unknown said...

I posted on on FB

Laima said...

Donated for 1 entry & reposted!
I'm going to hit twitter tonight. My kung-fu is weak on twitter, but I'll see what I can do.

Anonymous said...

Donated & posted on FB!

Daelyn R.

Mandy said...

Donated for 8 entry and added a fb link so all my friends can help bring another leaf to our family tree.

Nuclear.Dawg said...

Posted to FB. Good Luck!

Maria and Family said...

Ok making a donation . Also posted on Fb ;)
your doing an awesome thing !

alyssa said...

I donated a couple weeks ago...hope you make lots of $$ :)

Garth and Becky said...

Forgot to comment! Donated, shared this via Facebook and our blog. Won't be long until little Brian is home!

Anonymous said...

Donated for 3 enteries-wish we could have given more- Posted to FB, PRAYING for you all!
Holly Hilson

Anonymous said...

Donating $25
~ Jessica Burchett

Amy Sims Bouillion said...

Hi! This is a great cause! I just donated and am putting this on my FB. I hope that y'all are able to raise the rest of the money with everyone sharing this on FB and blogs. Good Luck and hope Brian comes home soon!

Unknown said...

hi there. i have left a donation, and made a post on fb :) thank you.
Terry Broderick
(I am Maria's mom taiya and Benji grandma)

Amy Sims Bouillion said...

Sorry... forgot to leave an e-mail earlier.


Anonymous said...

Donated for 8 entries! FB'd too! Can't wait to see Brian home :)

Stephanie said...

I donated $50.00 maybe I will win one for my birtday, but I will be happy anyway because Brian wins LIFE!

Add me to the drawing....

Stephanie Lynch

Jason Saling said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jason Saling said...

Donated and facebooked blog! - The Salings

Amy said...

Donated $50 and shared on facebook. Praying sweet Brian is home where he belongs very soon. I am new to your blog and your journey - what a beautiful family you have!! Where in WA are you? We're in Walla Walla. http://babymatthew.wordpress.com

gaby said...

Hi, I donated & shared on facebook :)

(Maria Falvo's sister)

Malicdem said...

purchased 35 entries

ME said...

Brendamac from RR here. I donated $50, and shared on FB.!
Good luck only wish I could have donated more.... My email is brendanurse@gmail.com

JeNaSis DeSiGn said...

Just purchased 3 entries, and Facebooked....praying for this sweet family!! =D
<3 Shelby
Email: huckaby67@aol.com

Amy said...

Just donated $100 via chip in.

Amy Dolloff we are friends on facebook -- you can get ahold of me that way.

get him home soon. :)

SaraElizabeth said...

We donated $50.00.

SaraElizabeth said...

After some prayer, we have decided to donate an additional $50. We're praying for the Burgers and sweet Brian!

my email is saralamarr@hotmail.com


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