This morning's visit was the same as others - we played outside and rustled around in the leaves with Matthew. He is definately ALL BOY! He loves rolling around on the ground, getting dirty and throwing things. He is such a tiny little peanut, but is so full of life. His giggle is contagious, and sounds just like our friend, Jadon Hand's giggle. Today we were reminded to take it sloooowww on the liquids for him. He drank so much apple juice, so quickly that it came back up. We really need to monitor him.
Ivanna was super tired at this morning's visit again. This seems to be the common thing with her. Too tired in the morning and a bit more awake at night. In fact, she showed us something terrific tonight. SHE CRAWLED! I know that to some who are reading this - being excited that a five year old crawling may seem strange. But this gives me hope that there is potential there. With PT and extra love and care - I believe she will walk someday. I tried to post a video at the end of this entry of Ivanna crawling. I hope it works.
Another blessing today: I got to take new pictures of a little girl already listed on the Reece's Rainbow website. Oh folks, she is a doll. Her listing name is Lorie and she is listed under the "other angels" section in orphanage 13. She came and greeted me again this morning. She took my hands in hers and when I walked her back to her chair she cried. It broke my heart. I took her a pink doll that I had for Ivanna, but know that Ivanna won't play with it. Lorie smiled and then tried to feed it a "bottle" (a water bottle). This evening when we went back, Lorie recognized me again and came again to me. I knelt down and hugged and kissed her. I have a great relationship with her groupa caretakers and they let me do all this. Then they showed me her scar on her back where they explained to me (all in Russian) that she had a hernia (I could decipher with all the miming we were doing as well as what I remember it stating on the RR site). The hernia was quite large and it has been removed. It has affected her walking. I have not seen her walk on her own. She is soooo very sweet and seems quite with it mentally. She is just precious. If you want additional information about Lorie, contact Andrea with Reece's Rainbow. Lorie is so calm and even tempered and so needs a family.
Enjoy this day's visit. It was beautiful!
She is beautiful folks and needs a family. This region is pretty hassle free as far as I have heard from our facilitator. Every adoption is different, but what I have heard is this region is pretty fast to get through court, etc.
The orphanage here is clean, and takes great care of the kids with what they have and know to do. They are also very friendly with us and have not given us any problems. We have a great relationship so far with everyone we have met there.
I have no doubt that when she is home & (drug-free), that it won't be long until she is running with your other children. Loved seeing the pics. The children are so precious. :)
What a blessing.....Glad the "ball" is such a hit! O I bet Ellie will get her prayer answered in no time. I love how the Lord answers out children s prayer it is so sweet.
Both are so ADORABLE! I am guessing they are giving themm benadryl that makes tehm sleep so much... Are you still going for that 3rd blind referral? Laurie is a real cutie ;-}
They are so beautiful! I would love to see the video ... couldn't on our end. Try again later. Lorie is a DOLL! Wish you could bring her home too. I love getting to see you with your new children ... can't wait to hear all those giggles we keep hearing about. : )
Love you all,
Ps. 90:17
I was reading today with my 3 year old in my lap and he just wanted to know all the children's names who were on your blog. After I told him he said "Pick Lorie!" I ask him Do you want to pray? And he did. :) Dear God thank you for my Mommy and Daddy. Please help Lorie find a Mommy and Daddy too. In Jesus name I pray Amen! "Amen!"
Amen! We did see the video, yay! Praise the Lord! Hope you guys are not starving and finding things to eat ok. I'd call but don't know your in-country number. our skype name is ericandluba if you ever need us. With love!
Keep the pictures (and video's!)coming! Matthew and Ivanna are so adorable and I'm so happy they have a family now! Poor Ivanna, she looks so tired...
So awesome! I thought it was so sweet that she did go for the ball, but then went to sit back by Daddy(at least that is who I'm guessing is doing the video). You can tell she already loves you guys!!! Loved the pics of Matthew playing in the leaves, so happy!
Holly H
I agree, the orphanage people were all very nice to us. It was very clean, and I think they are a little more "well off" than some poorer ones. Lori is a doll!
Ivanna is going to blossom so fast once you break her out of there! It's so sad that they medicate her and hold her back from being the little girl that she should be. Ivanna will walk one day, I know that she will! :)
The joy and tears of seeig Ivanna sitting so well on her own and then crawling!!!! I'm having a hard time catching my breath, so happy:)!!! YES, you only need to get that little one home, get her diet balanced out, and a little PT, and she will dazzle you, oh and get rid of the meds too;) All of the kids are adorable. So glad that you are getting some time with Lorie as I have often wondered about her and Jewell. Matthew is so sweet in the leave, but I love the pic of Ivanna and where Daddy has her up in the air.
I love love love seeing all the pictures and reading your posts. I am so happy for you all. I am so thankful God is using you all like this.
Again....a perfect way to start the Lord's Day by witnessing His provision, care, and loving kindness working......
Oh my, Lorie is so precious!!!
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