Matthew's laughter is contagious. He giggles, and you can't help but giggle yourself. His whole body is fully of joy and is expressed with his eyes and beautiful laughter. This boy loves to laugh. Also, when he is "really into" a toy - he holds it up really close to his face, as if to try and get as close to it as possible.

Justus is also enjoying the morning visit.

Ivanna. My sweet little Ivanna. I won't go into just now, but know this: she NEEDS to come home - asap.

A bit groggy, poor baby. She is also not a big fan of sunlight.

The infamous sparkly ball. It got misplaced and now we can not find it. Hopefully today we can locate it in the playground. It is Matthew's favorite.
Here is a video of Matthew's giggle. BEWARE - it is CONTAGIOUS! You just might find yourself giggling too! ;)
Oh my goodness!!! His laughter does sound a lot like little Jadens!! Sooo cute. Thanks for sharing
Boy am I frustrated! Still no videos on our end! I soooo love this computer-not. Miss you all very much. Have you seen our blog yet? Hope you can find the ball... love "watching" Matthew playing with it. Looking forward to seeing Ivanna fully awake too. Give Justus and Issac hugs .... miss those guys. Write me. Love you, Grace
Two adorable kiddos you're adopting there! Praying you can get them home soon!
Oh my....He does sound like cute....Jadon finds this quite humorous as well:) (insert the same giggle)
So Glad to hear all is going well.....any word on a court date yet?
The children are adorable! Prayers are sent your way. We are settling in to our first week at home! Bryce is doing exceptionally well. We are soooo HAPPY!
Kim, Tom & Bryce!
so cute!
I'm not sure if you're familiar with the blog "Nogreaterjoymom", but I happen to follow it & it seems that her daughter Hailee was given an "antihistamine" (ahem...) while she is was in her orphanage as well. She has been home here in the US for a few months now & you cannot believe the difference in the "before" & "after" adoption photos. She seems to be doing really well. Praying that you can get those little ones home soon, so that they can too can thrive & grow!
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