Today, at the evening visit Phillip and I went and gave gifts to the two groupas we are working with. First we walked into Ivanna's groupa, yes even past the stark waiting area I described in an earlier post. We held out the bouncy seat - that costs a bit over $100 here - and motioned that it was a gift from us. Phillip also had his translator on his phone, and they understood. The babushkas smiled and welcomed us in to help show them how to use the seat. I was even able to put little Masha into the seat for demonstration. Ohhhhh ... I was so excited. I had been eye balling that baby for awhile now, and I gave her a good squeeze before placing her in the seat. We took the opportunity to take pictures. If we look hot and sweaty, it is because we are - man that place is stifling inside! Then another babushka (the very sweet one) showed us Sonya. You will see pictures of her below. She is actually approx. 15 months old and we were told about her disability. I felt like weeping right there. Her future is bleak. Phillip asked to hold her and I was able to get a good shot of him holding her. Please pray for little Sonya. She is so very precious. Then the ladies ushered me even further into the groupa. I was so very pleased to be able to see where my Ivanna had been sleeping. Yes, a small room with many cribs - but everything was clean and tidy. The other room was where they did all the changing and bathing. I was surprised to see bathtubs even! We were also able to give a microwave oven to Maxim's groupa - of which they stated was a need for them.
Like I said earlier, it is not that these people do not care for these children. Resources, knowledge, and people are just limited. I have to say that as I watched Phillip hold Sonya, and the babushkas smile and thank me in Russian over a tiny gift like a bouncy seat - my heart broke - yet again. Ohhhh, if I could I would do this all the time. Go in, offer encouragement, hold babies, teach them about Down syndrome, make relationships ... care for these fatherless. I'm tellin' ya ... there is very little that rivals this feeling of providing all these things to these people. My faith - has been challenged.
Today was actually my last visit here in the orphanage, as I am planning on flying out on Wednesday to come home. It was bittersweet. I SO miss my home and my children still in the U.S. - but... I tell ya, it is VERY hard to look at the faces and say goodbye - not speaking about Maxim and Ivanna. Those two sweethearts I will see again, and forever hold. I speak about the children who still live in this orphanage waiting for families. The walk back this evening was the same. Same ole' smell of leaves being burned. Same old beat up sidewalk. Same view of apartment building after apartment building. However, as I clung to the arm of my man - the walk seemed a bit sweeter tonight. I took a good whiff of the air - just to remember. I soaked in the run down apartment buildings, and this time felt such a burden for these people, that they would be brought the gospel - hope. That is where the answer lies.
Anyhow, please pray that my flight would go well. I have some embassy stuff I need to do tomorrow. So, first, I will drive to the city again and get that done. Then I will stay the night with another adopting Mama and her sweetpea. Then I fly out Wednesday morning. I get a little nervous flying, especially given that Justus has been VERY fussy lately. Phillip will stay here and finish out the waiting period and application for passports and visas. We are guessing he will be home beginning of December or so. See you all ... soon.
** Forgot to mention **
Maxim is sort of sick. He had a fever the other evening. Now, no fever, but he sounds really "junky" in his lungs. He wheezes pretty bad when he breathes. I think this is a common thing with him, and so I suspect asthma. Please pray that he does get better and has good health for his remaining time here in country. Really want to get him checked out by our pediatrician.
WOW! I am sooo in love with you guys! :-)
Those kiddo's are just too cute!
I LOVE our Debbie too! Isn't she just sooooooo sweet!
Love you guys,
Taylah and Oscar!
So what does sweet Sonja have? Ray is already looking for another sweetheart to rescue!
And Isaac? He's staying with Phillip to help bring Ivanna and Maxim? Blessings upon all of your travels and the details. Sharon in New Mexico, USA.
Just wanted to let you know that I speak Russian fluently (I was born in Moscow) and if you ever need any help understanding something the children are trying to say to you when you bring them home, I'd be happy to help translate for you, so feel free to drop me a line :)
Can't wait to see you soon, and then your whole family. Lord bless.
Getting close!!! Can't wait to see you all. Missing you much. Praying much for your little ones and for your safe trip home. Love ya, Grace
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