Remember this little sweet face? Well, if not - let me remind you. This is Brady. I posted about Brady a couple of times. He was actually in the same orphanage as little Brian (whom the auction is for). However, little Brady was transferred to an institution this summer when he was just 5 1/2 years old. He was placed in a very remote institution with very little hope of ever being adopted and loved.
The Hartman family have stepped out on faith to adopt and rescue little Brady. I ask that you pray for them. You can also visit their blog:
The Hartman's have donated these birdhouses to help bring little Brian home. Upon winning you can choose one birdhouse from the pictures provided.

These birdhouses have been made from reclaimed siding and barbed wire and painted by twelve year old Lanie, who is looking forward to bringing her own little brother home from Eastern Europe.

We had the opportunity to visit the "Happy Hartman Farm" and it was such a blessing. What a joy it will be when all three families, us, the Hartman's and the Burgers can come together with our children and rejoice in what the Lord has accomplished through the gift of adoption and Down syndrome!
Anne Brown
~ Nancy
Just need to know which birdhouse you would like, and what address to send it to.
Thank you
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